Thursday, November 29, 2007

peer reading

Can't believe that this semester is almost over... And I am going home!!!!so excited!
Anyways, this weeks entry is about peer reading.Acutally, I like peer reading a lot because it is a lot of fun to see our classmates speech. And We can learn a lot from them too. Although we didn't learn that much in Japanese, we still can see a lot of creative sentence structures and smart way to use partials and combined sentences. It is also really funny when I see someone's mistake i suddenly realized "oops, i made the same mistake in my speech too! ><" so i gotta go back to change it. Also,honestly, it is less"kowai" than Sato sensei herself read the article, I completely agree with Lam san on this point. Our classmates' suggestion is more like advise, and we can consider a better way to write our speech. Its like we have a second change before turn in to Sato Sensei. Moreover, i figure out it seems easeir for me just correct on our classmates' speech draft's hard copy, instead of the form for the peer reading. But the form allow us to put positive comments to cheer each other up! ^^
By the way, I am kinda worry about the coming oral talk with Sensei and I really hope to see everyone on Sunday @ Clemons. We can all practice together!
minasan!gan ba dde ku dasai!^^

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